Benefits -of-mindful-Dead-sea-minerals

Mindful Minerals packed with minerals in every skin care product we sell. Deeply penetrating these minerals harvested fresh from the Dead Sea, Jordan, are vital to the healthy functioning of your body and skin.

1. BICARBONATE: PH balance.

2. BORON: -Builds muscle tissue.

3. BROMIDE: Heals and relieves skin disorders & natural antibiotic.

4. CALCIUM: Strengthens cell membranes & cleanses pores.

5. CHLORINE: Helps balance minerals and maintain PH balance.

6. CHROMIUM: Promotes healthy skin and a healthy circulatory system.

7. COBALT: Vitamin B12 aids in hemoglobin formation. 8. COPPER: Increases collagen & stimulates hair and skin formation–also a vital blood antioxidant.

9. FLOURINE: Promotes healthy teeth and helps increase bone strength.

10. IODINE: Necessary to maintain water balance and expel waste products.

11. IRON: Helps production of melanin and promotes a healthy skin tone.

12. LITHIUM: Treat bipolar disorder and manic depression.

13. MAGNESIUM: A building block for the skin’s structural elements.

14. MANGANESE: Reduces cholesterol, assists in blood clotting and increases antioxidant production.

15. MOLYBDENUM: An anti-oxidant that generates energy and detoxifies cancer-causing products.

16. NICKEL: Required for lipid, hormone, and membrane metabolism.

17. PHOSPHORUS: Involved in muscle contraction, nerve-impulse transmission, and cell growth.

18. POTASSIUM: Helps maintain pH balance. Helps prevent free radical formation, and acne.

19. RUBIDIUM: May reduce the incidence of cancer, and aids in the growth process.

20. SELENIUM: Destroys free radicals. Maintains tissue elasticity, protects against dandruff and dry skin.

21. SILICA: It promotes healthy nails, skin, hair, and arteries, and is necessary for the formation of collagen. Improves skin’s elasticity and thickness, inhibiting the aging process.

22. SILICON: important for thickness and strength of the skin, and for production of collagen in connective tissues.

23. SODIUM: Sodium is beneficial in maintaining PH balance, protecting the body against fluid loss.

24. STRONTIUM: Promotes healthy bone formation and decrease bone absorption.

25. SULFUR: Necessary for synthesis of collagen and healthy skin keratinization (the process by which skin cells move outward and die).

26. VANADIUM: Provides protection against tumor development and some forms of cancer.

27. Zinc: Antioxidant to fight viruses and to aid in tissue repair and curb acne breakouts.

So what does this mean to you? In simple terms dead sea salts have been effective in treating the following conditions: Psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, dandruff, scabies and seborrhea are but a few of the unpleasant skin disorders suffered by Americans today. Psoriasis alone is said to affect 3% of the population to some degree.

Rheumatological conditions: Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain, joint swelling, bursitis etc. have all been effectively treated with Mindful Minerals Dead Sea Products. As well, soreness and stiffness.

This is due to the minerals improving blood circulation necessary to reduce the inflammatory response, together with the detoxifying agent and general muscle relaxant.Skin Allergies: At some stage in our lives we all have suffered from rashes, sores, hives, itching, contact dermatitis or-some form of allergic reaction.

The high magnesium and bromide content in Dead Sea Salt is beneficial as an anti allergic due to its cleansing and detoxifying of the skin.


Stress has become a symptom of modern day life. Most of us can deal with small amounts of stress comfortably, however too much stress can affect physical & mental well-being.

Symptoms can include increased heart rate; elevated blood pressure;; tightness of the chest, neck and back muscles; headache; sleep disturbances; fatigue; susceptibility to minor illness, irritability and depression, to name but a few. Insomnia: It is estimated that 25% of Americans suffer from insomnia.

Prolonged sleep disturbance can leave you feeling tired and run down, which in turn can lead to greater vulnerability to illness and disease. To assist with relaxing in order to fall asleep and to remove toxins, the Dead Sea bath salts and mud treatments can be very beneficial


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